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USDA Announces Civil Penalties and License Revocation for Virginia Facility Due to Repeated Animal Welfare Act Violations

Excerpt:  “The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), in partnership with the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and USDA’s Office of the General Counsel, has entered into a Consent Decision and Order with a breeder in North Chesterfield, Virginia. The terms of the USDA Consent Decision and Order include permanent Animal Welfare Act (AWA) license revocation and more than $300,000 in civil penalties, a portion of which is to be paid outright with the remainder to be held in abeyance subject to any further violations of the AWA, its accompanying regulations, and/or the terms of the Consent Decision and Order. … Over the past year, APHIS inspections identified numerous AWA violations at the facility, owned by Elena Mikirticheva and Andrey Mikirtichev, for failing to provide adequate shelter, medical and other care to their cats and dogs, as well as for failing to provide access to USDA inspectors.”