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U.S. Department of Education to Enforce 2020 Title IX Rule Protecting Women

Excerpt:  “Today, the U.S. Department of Education sent a ‘Dear Colleague’ letter to K-12 schools and institutions of higher education advising educators and administrators that the department’s Office for Civil Rights will enforce the Trump Administration’s 2020 Title IX Rule. This letter comes after Republican Attorneys General successfully challenged the Biden Administration’s 2024 Title IX rewrite, which the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky ruled was unlawful and, therefore, unenforceable in schools, colleges, and universities nationwide. The department will return to enforcing Title IX protections on the basis of biological sex in schools and on campuses. Returning to the 2020 Title IX Rule also ends a serious threat to campus free speech and ensures much stronger due process protections for students during Title IX proceedings.”