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Strategic Outlook 2025: Can the International Order Regain Its Resilience? Choices for the World and Japan

Excerpt:  “In the previous ‘Strategic Annual Report’ I pointed out that the end of the post-Cold War era has ushered in an ‘era of turmoil’ threatening the foundations of the US-led international order and giving rise to such circumstances as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and escalating tensions in the Middle East. A series of unresolved conflicts have left the international community in a state of confusion. The rules-based international order and the international architecture embodied in the United Nations and the G20 have become dysfunctional, creating further difficulties in addressing urgent global issues that require multilateral cooperation, including nuclear disarmament, the rapid evolution of AI and other technologies, and climate change. Against this backdrop, the November 2024 US presidential election resulted in the return of President Donald J. Trump. How the Trump administration will tackle these issues in its second term – and how US allies, major Western countries, and the emerging and developing powers of the Global South will respond – can only be ascertained by carefully observing future developments.”