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Fortieth Report of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to the United Nations Security Council Pursuant to Resolution 1593 (2005)

Excerpt:  “Famine is present in Darfur. Conflict is increasing. Children are targeted. Girls and women are subject to rape. And the whole landscape is one of destruction, and, we say, criminality. This descent is accelerating, if anything. It’s accelerating as we speak. Today and yesterday in El Fasher, we see developments in which serious allegations emerge of more innocent civilians being targeted, vital civilian objects like hospitals being attacked. And there seems to be no respite for the Darfuri people. It’s the clear view of my Office, Mr. President, as reflected in the report that is before the Council that, as we speak, international crimes are undoubtedly being committed in Darfur. They’re being committed as we speak. And daily, unfortunately, we see crimes being used as a weapon of war for so many that the law is meant to protect from these types of excesses.”

report (21 pages)