Excerpt: “The United States is providing Hong Kongers who remain concerned about returning to Hong Kong with temporary safe haven in this country. Under this extension, the United States will continue to defer the enforced departure of eligible Hong Kong residents through February 5, 2027. This decision to extend Deferred Enforced Departure complements steps taken by our allies and partners – including the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia – to provide options to those who fear returning to Hong Kong. This decision was made in light of Beijing and Hong Kong authorities’ continued and repeated attacks on the protected rights and freedoms cherished by people in Hong Kong, including the unjust sentencing of two former Stand News editors for publishing so-called ‘seditious’ articles, the unjust sentencing of 45 pro-democracy advocates for their peaceful participation in political activities protected under the Basic Law, and the ongoing national security trial of democracy advocate and Apple Daily founder Jimmy Lai.”