Excerpt: “Emerging proposals from the Trump Administration and key congressional Republicans could wreak havoc on essential public services, leaving millions of people worse off through lost health coverage, less money for groceries, weakened access to a quality public education, and other harms. … The federal budget includes considerable taxpayer dollars that are shared back with states and localities to deliver vital public services where people live and work. Composing about $1 of every $3 of state spending, these funds have a substantial impact on state economies and consumers’ costs for essentials such as groceries, health care, child care, and housing. Recent federal budget proposals, however, would shift significant costs, explicitly or implicitly, to states and localities by targeting health care, education, and food assistance. Proposed changes include capping program funding, lowering reimbursement rates, imposing onerous new state matching requirements, and adding administrative burdens or reducing flexibility.” (footnote omitted)
Report (PDF)
(9 pages)