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Obligations of Israel in Relation to the Presence and Activities of the United Nations, Other International Organizations and Third States in and in Relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory (Request for Advisory Opinion) — The Court Authorizes the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation to Participate in the Proceedings

Excerpt:  “The International Court of Justice has authorized the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (the “OIC”), at its request, to participate in the advisory proceedings on the Obligations of Israel in relation to the Presence and Activities of the United Nations, Other International Organizations and Third States in and in relation to the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Pursuant to Article 66 of the Statute of the Court, the Vice-President of the Court, HE Judge Julia Sebutinde, Acting President, has decided that the OIC is likely to be able to furnish information on the question submitted to the Court by the General Assembly. The OIC may therefore present a written statement on that question within the time-limit fixed by the President’s Order of 23 December 2024, i.e. by 28 February 2025.”