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Chairman Carr Ends Biden-era Plan to Slow Down Infrastructure Builds

Excerpt:  “Today, Chairman Carr issued the following statement: ‘It is time for America to build. It is time to unleash the growth and opportunity that has been stifled by misguided and outdated infrastructure policies. Just look back at the last four years. The Biden-Harris Administration’s stated goal of connecting millions Americans to high-speed Internet service foundered on reams of red tape and a progressive policy agenda that needlessly delayed the promise of new infrastructure builds. For its part, the FCC attempted to double down on broken environmental laws that benefit nobody but special interests by proposing to expand the number of new tower builds that must go through costly, time-consuming, and ultimately needless environmental reviews. Ending the FCC’s consideration of this Biden-era proposal is just an initial step. I look forward to working with my colleagues and stakeholders to ensure that the federal government does not stand in the way of America’s broadband builders and the important work they have ahead.’”