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Atlas of Military Compensation, 2024

Excerpt:  “Compensation for military personnel is found in both the defense and nondefense parts of the federal budget. Defense funding, in the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) budget, is mostly for current military personnel. Nondefense funding in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is mostly for former military personnel. Since 2000, the total budget for military compensation has been rising steadily, even though the number of military personnel and veterans has been declining. Spending by VA has accounted for most of that increase, rising from a small fraction of the total to about 61 percent of military compensation in the President’s 2025 budget request. In the 2025 budget request, total military compensation is $600 billion. (Of that total, $236 billion is for DoD and $365 billion is for VA.) That amount represents an increase of 162 percent since 1980 (and 151 percent since 1999).”

Atlas (5 pages)