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U.S. Government Trade Strategy to Combat Forced Labor: Making Trade a Force for Good by Addressing Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains

Excerpt:  “To envision a world without forced labor requires the ability to envision a global trading system that operates as a force for good, in part by advancing a worker-centered trade policy to support, empower, and defend the rights of workers in the global economy. In line with the President’s 2024 Trade Policy Agenda and the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) Fiscal Year 2022–2026 Strategic Plan, the four goals guiding the implementation of the U.S. Government’s trade policy to combat forced labor in the global trading system are: 1. Develop equitable trade policy through inclusive processes; 2. Fully utilize all available trade tools to combat forced labor; 3. Develop and implement innovative trade tools to combat forced labor; and 4. Increase multilateral action with trading partners to combat forced labor as an unfair trade practice.”

Report (40 pages)