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Progress on the Situation at Our Northern Border

Excerpt:  “Pursuant to section 3 of my Executive Order of February 1, 2025, titled ‘Imposing Duties to Address the Situation at Our Northern Border’ (‘the Executive Order of February 1, 2025’), I have determined that the Government of Canada has taken immediate steps designed to alleviate the illegal migration and illicit drug crisis through cooperative actions.  Further time is needed, however, to assess whether these steps constitute sufficient action to alleviate the crisis and resolve the unusual and extraordinary threat beyond our northern border. … In recognition of the steps taken by the Government of Canada, and in order to assess whether the threat described in section 1 of this order has abated, the additional 25 percent ad valorem rates of duty, and 10 percent ad valorem rates of duty as to energy products, shall be paused and will not take effect until March 4, 2025, at 12:01 a.m. eastern time.”