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Iranian UAVs in Ukraine: A Visual Comparison

Excerpt:  “The original unclassified report, released by [Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)] in February, confirmed Russia’s use of various lethal Iranian UAVs against Ukraine. These UAVs have become a critical part of Russia’s war in Ukraine and are being used to attack critical infrastructure. The update features additional findings and declassified images to disprove Iran’s continued claims that Russia is not using its UAVs in Ukraine. The updated report draws from DIA’s ongoing display of components from several Iranian-produced UAVs recovered from both Ukraine and Iraq. The display includes portions of Shahed-131 UAVs used by Russia against Ukraine and Shahed-131 UAVs recovered in Iraq, including an attack Iran publicly claimed. The display marks the first time these models have been displayed in the same place. This is also the first public showing of the newly declassified Shahed-101, a smaller Iranian UAV recovered in Iraq.”

Report (15 pages)