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Initial Recissions of Harmful Executive Orders and Actions

Excerpt:  “The previous administration has embedded deeply unpopular, inflationary, illegal, and radical practices within every agency and office of the Federal Government.  The injection of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI) into our institutions has corrupted them by replacing hard work, merit, and equality with a divisive and dangerous preferential hierarchy.  Orders to open the borders have endangered the American people and dissolved Federal, State, and local resources that should be used to benefit the American people.  Climate extremism has exploded inflation and overburdened businesses with regulation. To commence the policies that will make our Nation united, fair, safe, and prosperous again, it is the policy of the United States to restore common sense to the Federal Government and unleash the potential of the American citizen.  The revocations within this order will be the first of many steps the United States Federal Government will take to repair our institutions and our economy.”