Excerpt: “The OIG reviewed the HUD-VASH case management provided to the subject veteran, including the reasons for the veteran’s negative exit from the program in December 2021. The OIG did not substantiate that the subject veteran, nor other veterans, were discharged from the HUD-VASH program ‘for no reason’ as the OIG found Homeless Operations Management and Evaluation System (HOMES) exit forms had a documented reason for discharge. However, the OIG found deficiencies existed with the subject veteran’s case management. The OIG determined parallel deficiencies occurred in the case management of other facility veterans. Additionally, the electronic health records (EHRs) of many unhoused HUD-VASH veterans, who did not have scheduled primary care appointments, demonstrated the absence of treatment plans and assignments to primary care teams” (footnote omitted)
Inspector General Report
(39 pages)