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Bipartisan Indo-Pacific Task Force Issues Findings Following Congressional Action and Historic Visit to the Region

Excerpt:  “Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources issued the findings of the bipartisan Indo-Pacific Task Force. ‘America is committed to supporting our allies in the Indo-Pacific and combating the threat of the Chinese Communist Party. Our work on these issues has included countless meetings with leaders from the region, multiple hearings on the importance of America’s support and travel to all three Freely Associated States to see their needs firsthand. The threat of the Chinese Communist Party continues to loom large in the Indo-Pacific, and it only underscores the importance of passing my Compacts of Free Association Amendments Act to give our allies critical resources and support to deter Chinese Communist Party’s influence and continue working closely with the United States. I’d like to thank Ranking Member Grijalva, Indo-Pacific Task Force Chair Radewagen and Co-Chair Sablan for their important contributions to this work and look forward to many years of close alliance with our partners in the Pacific.’ – House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.)”

report (5 pages)